Wehrhahn presentation at the IIBCC 2024 in Colombo (Sri Lanka)
The IIBCC 2024 was an excellent venue with a superlative programme and great speakers covering a wide range of topics.
Our fibre cement specialist, Rainer Becker, gave a presentation on „Sheet thickness control system optimization through mathematical modelling and self-learning pump maps“.
Intelligent control systems are a vital part in all Wehrhahn production plants. In fibre cement sheet production plants the automatic sheet thickness control system has a decisive influence on the plant performance and feasibility.
A general issue with sheet thickness control is the linked structure of the various controllers involved for tank filling levels, slurry throughput, felt speed and slurry density. Time lag and mutual dynamical influences can lead to increased sheet thickness tolerances under certain operating conditions such as plant start-up or e.g. in the event of process disturbances by changes in flocculation efficiency or increasing pipe clogging.
Here considerable improvements can be achieved.
You can read the full paper here.