Wehrhahn presentation at the IIBCC 2024 in Colombo (Sri Lanka)

The IIBCC 2024 was an excellent venue with a superlative programme and great speakers covering a wide range of topics.

Our fibre cement specialist, Rainer Becker, gave a presentation on „Sheet thickness control system optimization through mathematical modelling and self-learning pump maps“.

Intelligent control systems are a vital part in all Wehrhahn production plants. In fibre cement sheet production plants the automatic sheet thickness control system has a decisive influence on the plant performance and feasibility.

A general issue with sheet thickness control is the linked structure of the various controllers involved for tank filling levels, slurry throughput, felt speed and slurry density. Time lag and mutual dynamical influences can lead to increased sheet thickness tolerances under certain operating conditions such as plant start-up or e.g. in the event of process disturbances by changes in flocculation efficiency or increasing pipe clogging.

Here considerable improvements can be achieved.

You can read the full paper here.

Worldwide unique plant upgrade in Romania

The new edition of the AAC worlwide (04/2024) has been published.

The full article can be found here.

Read about the Wehrhahn project, which is a perfect example, that a strong partnership and trustful cooperation between our customer and us can realize ambitious goals and pioneering ideas even under most difficult conditions.

Weltweit einzigartige Anlagenmodernisierung in Rumänien

Worldwide unique precuring section for AAC production

For Elpreco SA in Romania, Wehrhahn upgraded the aerated concrete block production plant to a capacity of 1,900 m³/day. The existing mixing plant with the travelling mixer was replaced through the most efficient Wehrhahn mixing system including the advanced WECOMIX electric control system.

The smart conversion of the outdated “crane-operated” precuring section has challenged Wehrhahn to develop a worldwide unique technology in order to store the moulds at an elevated precuring chamber.

As a result, the highly advantageous system has fully eliminated numerous labour forces previously needed in the section and has reduced the precuring time as well as energy consumption significantly.

Finally, the cherry on top is the Wehrhahn Master Control Server (MCS). The smart system combines production data from all sections and provides the user with priceless information from production and energy management up to quality control and preventive maintenance.

What a success! IIBCC 2022

Thank you for everyone that met us this week at the IIBCC in Hamburg.

We really enjoyed the interesting talks and discussions and are looking forward to the next IIBCC!

Thank you for visiting us!

Bauma 2022.

We want to thank everyone for the interesting exchanges and friendly talks at bauma 2022! We were happy to see you all again and look forward to the next time.

Just released: The new Wehrhahn Journal!

Find out about latest projects from the Wehrhahn world and see what we've been up to! 

The full Journal here.

Check out our article "It's all in the ingredients..."

In the new edition of the AAC Worldwide our laboratory team composed an article "It's all in the ingredients - the importance of raw material suitability. Here they explain the process and the significance of finding the perfect raw material for each customer.

Read the full article here.


Stay competitive! What's next?

After years of AAC production, changing product requirements, evolving technology standards and changes in the market can affect the competitiveness of an AAC plant. But how to respond and stay competitive? What's next?

Find out in our new article in the latest edition of the AAC Worldwide!

Read the full article here.

Now online - Wehrhahn Company Channel!

Check out our newly launched Company Channel on the Website of the AAC Worldwide: 

Read and download articles published by Wehrhahn and explore our photo dashboard!

A success story!

We happily announce that Wehrhahn customer Soceram in Romania successfully autoclaved their first cake.

Hard work from Soceram and Wehrhahn has paid off and we can present a beautiful first autoclaved cake. The commissioning of the plant was guided and supported by the Wehrhahn team remotely from Germany and on-site in Romania.