Electric cabinets
Control cabinet manufacture for individual requirements worldwide.
- All Wehrhahn control cabinets are manufactured, pre-assembled and tested in the over 700 m² Wehrhahn workshop
- Reliable function ensured by use of high-quality components
- Automatic assembly workstation for a fast „just in time” manufacture
Many production plants still need an enormous big control room with plenty of electric cabinets and an amount of cables in order to connect the drives of the machines with the electric control boxes, while Wehrhahn has developed an important concept “the machine for the electric socket”, which has already successfully been implemented. This means that the machine can be pre-wired and a test run can be performed prior to delivery. “The machine for the electric socket” is a merger of mechanics, electrics and decentralized intelligence of a system. Not only the amount of cables is reduced, but also a lot of time can be saved on site for the installation and functional test of the plant.