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Energy management: WH-EnMS

The intelligent Wehrhahn energy saving management system

Today a number of business facilities are facing the challenge of reducing costs by energy saving methods and to even optimize production and working process.

If you run a production line or carry out a trade and you want to...

  • produce in an energy-saving way
  • reduce the running and long-term cost
  • optimise quality of your products
  • ensure enduring and environmentally sustainable production

The Wehrhahn energy management system WH-EnMS enables you to meet and certify energy standards according to ISO 50001.

Know-how, special software, incl. project planning und installation of a measuring system, energy data analysis, application of energy saving methods and installation of energy saving components – if required as complete or partial solution.

The WH-EnMS considers the whole energy requirement of your company, including electric power and gas consumption in consideration of key performance indicators (KPIs) as well as energy performance indicators (EnPIs) from all production lines, storage rooms, office buildings, etc.

Please contact us!
Highly skilled Wehrhahn experts spend their know-how, qualification and experience to realize energy saving methods in your company for utmost efficiency.

As an experienced solution provider for energy management systems in various production plants SIEMENS is recommending Wehrhahn as competent “EM partner”. The Wehrhahn energy management system WH-EnMS is operating with SIEMENS SENTRON components. Wehrhahn has long-term experience as plant supplier for the building material industry. Consequently energy saving methods for your company cannot only be identified, but also directly implemented by the Wehrhahn team.

Intelligent energy saving – made by Wehrhahn.

Process optimization

Identification of energy-intensive appliances: Where are starting points? Which of the measures offer the highest saving capacities?

The Wehrhahn energy management conception considers the complete energy demand of your company (power and gas). Data of production and sensors will be directly transferred from the data collector to the data manager.
In order to link production and energy data no additional sensors and measuring equipment are required. Even current, voltage and power values of frequency converters can be integrated.


Visualization of energy consumption
Save energy and casually upgrade your production process to be more efficient! Indication of current energy consumption is motivating operators to focus on saving methods and to recognize exceptional operating conditions.

The energy data evaluation software provides individual parameterizing of energy diagrams as well as edition of automatic reports in Excel (e. g. of cost centers)

Implementation of saving measures
How to assign priorities? How can saving measures be integrated without disturbing the smooth production process? How to recognize and evaluate efficiency of saving measures subsequently?
Wehrhahn will assist you by advice, by intelligent and reliable software and by realization of energy saving methods.

Energy data reporting and evaluation

Every factory offers energy saving options.

We assist you in finding starting points and to identify energy intensive units. All measured energy data induce those methods offering highest potential and those which appear to be easiest to implement. It can be cost saving components or changes in operating and production processes. Saving potentials are identified, implemented and recorded. Total requirements are calculated and purchase of energy can be optimized. Save double: during purchase and consumption of energy!

Energy consumptions are recorded in a data base, e. g.: 
Power-on/off time of motors, active power consumption , electrical current of individual phases, starting current, starting power, starting time, basic load, cycle time, load profile; ambience conditions, gas consumption, production figures, etc.

The Datamanager-PC collects are saves all data into a data base. Visualization and evaluation of data enables the operator to identify exceptional operating conditions due to increased energy requirement and to recognize peak loads at an early stage.

Energy saving components and possibilities

We will find the optimum solution for your company.

For example: frequency inverter

A dynamic adaptation of magnetization current leads to highest possible efficiency at any operating point. Savings capacity up to 30%!

For example: energy saving motors

Increasing efficiency leads to reduction of power loss. Savings capacity up to 40%! Already today the energy saving motors used by Wehrhahn meet the Premium Efficiency Standard IE3. Using energy saving motors instead of standard motors reduces power loss due to considerably higher efficiency. One single agitator equipped with an energy saving motor saves more energy per year than an average household of 5 persons in a one-familiy house requires!

For example: Energy regenerating system at frequency inverters

The dynamic energy during brake processes will not be converted into heat via brake resistor, but will be utilized via regenerative power supply unit by direct return into the production units. Savings capacity up to 40%!

For example: Intelligent start-stop automatic

saves energy and protects the drive. Intelligent start-sop automatic means immediate stop of drives, which are not used within the next time in consideration of ambient parameters and process requirements and only if the stop is energetically profitable. Savings capacity up to 50%!

For example: Display of energy consumption at operator stations

Visualization of data enables the operator to identify exceptional operating conditions due to increased energy requirement and to recognize peak load exceedings at an early stage. Savings capacity: more than 25%!

Side effect: Usually power curves of a machine resemble during operation cycles. In case deviations of curves occur after a certain time of operation then conclusions may easily be drawn concerning maintenance condition. Needless repairs can be avoided! Savings capacity up to 40%!

Cost reduction

Screening of power demand and reduction of procurement fee to a minimum.

Transparency and recording of energy consumption creates cost awareness.
Implementation of energy saving methods by process optimization
Installation of energy saving components in all relevant sections.

Saving capacity up to 40% by:

  • Identification of units with high energy consumption
  • Process optimisation
  • Cost awareness of staff
  • Advantages due to governmental aid in several countries
  • Reduction of peak load
  • In numerous countries governments and power suppliers offer tax advantages or special subventions for a number of energy saving systems!

Environment protection

CO2-emissions could considerably be reduced by a sustainable operation mode.

In case of efficient production the factory will be utilized in an optimal way and resources as well as fossil fuels will notably be preserved.

Strengthen your image

Utilisation of energetic adaptations and fulfilment of ecological requirements are aspects in your favour for your marketing. Your customers will surely recognise your company for environmentally conscious behaviour.

Peak load management

In order to avoid over- or undersupply the power taken from the power network should rather be used consistently. Wehrhahn will support you in keeping the consumption constant without process interruption!

Intelligent energy saving – made by Wehrhahn.

We are looking forward to receiving your call or e-mail!

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Wehrhahn - Automation

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Welcome to Wehrhahn

With our WH-EnMS we realize energy saving of around 40%. As Siemens Solution Partner we provide our customers with individual complete automation concepts for highly efficient production plants.

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Pottin, Director Electric + Automation