Fibre cement sheets


Production plants


Intelligent controls

Refurbishment / Modernization

Made in Germany

Service / Consulting

Additional Information on Fibre Cement

Production of fibre cement sheets in Wehrhahn plants

State-of-the-art highly efficient machines, plants and technologies for the production of fibre cement sheets

Lowest production costs due to highly efficient machines and technologies

Fibre cement sheets consist of cellulose or synthetic fibres embedded in a matrix of cement or CSH (calcium silicat hydrate).

Raw material preparation
This includes the material preparation with sand grinding mill, sand slurry silos as well as openers and refiners for cellulose.

Dosing and mixing / sheet production

Wehrhahn's computerized smart dosing and mixing plant "WECOMIX" prepares a slurry which is further diluted and fed into the sieve cylinder sheeting machine. Thin layers are formed on 3 to 6 sieve cylinders and transferred onto a felt. The layers are accumulated around the forming roller until the pre-set thickness has been reached and the sheet can automatically be cut off. 

Thickness control
Wehrhahn's advanced self-adjusting sheet thickness control system ensures minimum thickness variations. This saves material (no over thickness) and reduces rejects (under thickness) which finally increases plant output and economy for Wehrhahn customers. 


Wehrhahn supplies the full range of downstream machines including cutters for all purposes such as cutting and punching press, guillotine knife cutter, water jet cutter or just circular knife cutter. 

Wehrhahn's single sheet presses for corrugated or embossed roofing sheets or stack presses for high compressed flat sheets improve the sheet density and quality - an important factor for improved frost resistance. 

Autoclaving / calcium-silicate
Wehrhahn provides all equipment and extensive know-how for the steam curing technology as this is also process-relevant for Wehrhahn's AAC (autoclaved aerated concrete) block and panel plants. Wehrhahn's automatic autoclave system (WACO) allows easy control of the complex chemical process in the autoclave.   

Alternatively: air curing at ambient temperature until the sheets are cured.                                                

Coloured sheets
If your market requires more beautiful roofing, Wehrhahn also provides a range of equipment for colouring sheets, such as through-pigmented, top layer, pigmented or surface paint-coated. Paint coating increases beauty and improves quality.

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Fibre Cement

Wehrhahn - Fibre Cement Sheet Production