Fibre cement sheets


Production plants


Intelligent controls

Refurbishment / Modernization

Made in Germany

Service / Consulting

Additional Information on Fibre Cement

Intelligent controls

Every individual part of a production plant is a link in a long chain of actions and reactions. The key is perfect flow.

Wehrhahn technicians, IT specialists and automation engineers use their decades of experience to build control cabinets, connect machines and program PLC and PC controls conforming to the highest standards of functionality, safety and efficiency. Wehrhahn offers electric and automation solutions not only for Wehrhahn plants but also for all kind of production processes in a wide range of industrial branches.


Electric engineering

Efficient engineering for effective and rapid installation from an ePLAN certified engineer.



Control cabinet manufacture for individual requirements worldwide.

  • All Wehrhahn control cabinets are manufactured, pre-assembled and tested in the over 700 m2 Wehrhahn workshop
  • reliable function ensured by use of high-quality components
  • automatic assembly workstation for a fast „just in time” manufacturing


Pre-wiring of machines to decentralized control cabinets:

„Machine for the socket” Wherever possible the electric equipment like motor starters and PlC inputs/outputs are integrated and prewired in the machine.

  • 25% saving on installation time through prior cabling of all sensors, motors and valves
  • up to 6,000 m less cable and 800 less contact points to be set on site
  • machines are tested with control cabinets and programs before they get to the clients which means faster and simpler start-up on site


Wehrhahn Automation is recommended by SIEMENS as one of just a few CERTIFIED SIEMENS SOLUTION PARTNERS.

A team of well trained and experienced automation engineers designs and programs for global requirements.

  • PC and PLC programming in a logical methodical structure
  • precise and time-optimised motion controls for motor and hydraulic movements
  • visualisation with all relevant machine and process parameters allows adjustment without programming knowledge
  • program and process simulation not only to test programs in different circumstances but also to analyse the best process run

WECOMIX - Wehrhahn intelligent dosing and mixing system

The Wehrhahn intelligent, economic dosing and mixing control (WECOMIX) system for all mixing processes of various industries. It includes benefits like flexible dosing sequence, automatic dosing optimisation, individual report design etc.

WACO - Wehrhahn advanced autoclave control system

The precise Wehrhahn autoclave control (WACO) system for autoclave processes of various industries.

  • automatic curve correction in case of disturbances
  • control of different valve types like electrically or pneumatically operated
  • adjustment of all sensor and process parameters on the visualisation

WH-EnMS - Wehrhahn energy management system

Nearly every production process can be optimised for energy saving. But which action has the most potential?

The Wehrhahn Energy Management System WH-EnMS

  • measures and saves the energy consumption of each machine
  • shows the energy consumption of a section on the visualisation
  • gives energy reports for certifications
  • includes energy saving actions like automatic interval, switch off or energy-recovery systems

PCI - Wehrhahn process control and information system

Wehrhahn Product Control and Information (PCI) system does not only collect product data over the entire process to guarantee constant high quality but also includes automatic adjustment to optimise machine parameters on product change or environment circumstances.

  • storage of product data into SQL database
  • export to csv-file
  • data evaluation software with helpful tools like „search” or „filters”
  • data exchange to ERP systems (Enterprise-Resource-Planning)

More information

Wehrhahn - Automation